Hello all! If you are reading this then you have successfully found your way to my brand new blog. It is kind of exciting when I stop to think about it. I have very little experience with actually blogging, but everyone has to start somewhere right? I guess that would make the a private when it comes to blogging so bare with me here.
A little bit about myself might be appropriate to throw in here as well. My name is Connor Hillmann, I am a senior studying History with a focus in 19th century American History at Arizona State University. That probably explains the focus of this blog a bit. I hope to turn this degree into a PhD and continue on in the academic world as a professor. Beyond that I enjoy sports, video games, reading, and spending time with friends. Besides the whole history thing I sound like a pretty typical college student (minus the booze I guess).
Anyways as far as content goes, this blog will be mostly dedicated to the American Civil War, how we remember it today, and how it has been perceived throughout history. It sounds boring right? Well not really, if you sit down and look at just how the Civil War affected the United States you can find a pantheon of things that still linger around the country. History is inescapable. I hope to be able to find things that are relevant to modern day, but also historical lenses of the Civil War. Beyond the history stuff, I will probably included some sports stuff, since baseball is my second passion and I bleed Sedona Red for my Diamondbacks. Also, I might produce some vlogs on Youtube that I will then link to here. Hopefully the vlogs will be able to stimulate some interesting thoughts and discussions.
Beyond that, I hope you enjoy your time on my blog and I promise lots of content is coming soon!
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